FULL VIEW: ZHANGJIAJIE,FENGHUANG ANCIENT TOWN, TIANMEN SERIES: {Mt.Tianmen + Tianmen Cave + Tianmen Cable Car) Grand Canyon & Eco Glass Bridge·Gui Plank Road, Skywalk
Into the magical world of Avatar, a pillar in the southern sky, touching the paradise close at hand
Tianmen Series-The Legend of Sky Fox-The Association of Peach Blossom Garden-The Magic World of Avatar, the Miraculous Ghost Valley Trail, the Thrilling Glass Trail, the Quiet Ancient City of Phoenix
Classic all-exclusive: Zhangjiajie, Yuanjiajie, Tianzishan, Phoenix Ancient Town, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge - Cloud Sky Ferry, Tianmen Series (Tianmen Cave, Tianmen Cable Car, Glass Trestle, Ghost Valley Trestle) Classical all-inclusive: Tianmen Mountain with cable car, Tianmen Cave with hand elevator, Glass Trestle with shoe covers Tianzishan の Hundred Dragons Elevator (VIP channel without queuing), Ten Mile Gallery with a double-trip mini-train
First of all, gathering at Changi airport, then flying and arriving in Changsha plane. After that , there will be a tour operator who pick tourists up and send them to the Ancient Phoenix Town from Changsha airport that day. After checking in hotel, tourists can enjoy the lively nightlife of the Ancient Phoenix Town on their own.(If the flight arrives late, staying one night in a hotel in Changsha . And then heading to The Ancient Phoenix Town tomorrow morning)
After breakfast, paying a visit to the inside of the Ancient Phoenix Town that incorporates ancient towers, the ancient Ming and Qing court and clear Tuo River. Taking a roam along the Tuo river, travelers will have a wonderful scenery of ancient buildings that came from the Tang dynasty built on old bricks. In addition, most of buildings here are combined with the custom of local Miao nationality. Walking on the stone road, people can see how the local Miao nationality’s daily life is and feel their hospitality everywhere. The other important tourist attractions as old as the buildings here are bridges across the Tuo river, connecting all the parts of the Ancient Phoenix Town as a whole. After the Ancient Phoenix Town, paying a visit to Mo Si Miao that is the unique feature of Hunan province by coach. (Mo Si Miao has a long history with brilliant folk culture, honest people and unique costumes. But beyond that, the Miao nationality is famous for its dance all over the world. Especially in 1993, it was given the title of ‘The hometown of flower-drum’ by the culture department in Hunan province. In the year of 2008 and 2011, it was honored with the title of ‘ The hometown of Chinese folk culture’. Additionally, ‘the quartet drum’ has respectively stepped into the Shanghai World Expo and Taiwan in 2010 and 2011. Due to its mass and national-level performances so far, Mo Si Miao has already been one of the most fantastic symbols in Hunan, including enjoying the local custom, drum performances and tasting indigenous banquets of the Miao nationality and so on.
After breakfast, heading to Zhangjiajie, visit Junsheng art house, founded by renowned China artist - Li Junsheng, he invented a new way of painting - sand stone painting. By combining western oil painting and Chinese calligraphy, with sands and small stones, to create painting regarding local minority’s daily life or Zhangjiajie’s landscape. After that, go to Tianmen mountain, visit Tianmen cave, it is a naturally formed cave in the middle of mountain. Tianmen Mountain, located 8km away from Zhangjiajie city center, is the highest mountain in Zhangjiajie, with the main peak of 1518.6 meters (4982.3 feet) high. The world marvelous scene called Tianmen Cave, meaning a door to the heaven in Chinese, makes this mountain famous. The comparative plat mountain top, the well-preserved original forest, the rare plants and species, the natural bonsai in everywhere form into a splendid picture. People entitle this mountain as the most beautiful flower garden in the sky and the fairy land in the boundary of heaven.For a long time, Mount Tianmen not only attracted attention because of its miraculous and unique geographic landform and unparalleled natural landscape, but it also became well-known for its profound cultural connotations and famous colorful humanistic site.Then we go to Guigu plank road, it is built against Guigudong’s cliff, full length is 1,600 metres and average altitude is 1,400 metres.
After breakfast, visit Tianzi mountain by Bailong lift (VIP access, no queue), the most beautiful mountain among Zhangjiajie’s mountain. Tianzi Mountain has four scenic wonders, namely Cloud Billows, Moon Brightness, Sun Glow and Winter Snow. The cloud billows are ever changing, morning and evening sun glows vast sky, moon shines in the still night, winter snow falls enchanting the scenery, like a lyric, like a landscape painting. Here in the Tianzi Mountain, scene majestic is in all its variety. There are five main scenic zones and over ten scenic spots in the Tianzi Mountain area. They include more than 80 natural platforms to take in the magnificent scenery. Highlights in Tianzishan: Helong Park, West Sea Stone Forests, Divine shrine and Immortal Bridge. 6 tourist areas have been built to accommodate visitors and they include more than 80 natural platforms to take in the magnificent scenery. Then go to Yuanjiajie, to see the prototype of “Hallelujah Mountain” in movie “Avatar”.Yuanjiajie Scenic Area belongs to a part of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It situates in the code area of Wulingyuan Scenic Area as the main attraction in Zhangjiejie. Decorated by the world's most beautiful valley Golden Whip Valley, Yuanjiajie scenic area tells travelers what is a marvelous mountain in China. Followed by Tianxiadiyiqiao and Mihuntai, then come down from Bailong lift again.
After breakfast,Vist Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. is located in the southern part of the Wulingyuan Scenic Zone. The several thousand mountain peaks of quartz rise abruptly from the ground. Streams flow through the Jinbian (Gold Whip) Stream Grand Canyon which is flanked by sheer cliffs. The sightseeing platform at Huangshi Village is shrouded in mist. Wild animals (especially the macaque
monkeys) play freely in the primeval forests. The scenic zone is like a fairy land with the beauty of wild nature. it was recognized as China's first national forest park (4,810 hectares). Zhangjiajie National Forest Park was designated a much larger (397.5 km²) as Wulingyuan National Park by the State Council on August 1, 1988. We will start with Jinbian stream first, then followed by Shillihualang (Return train ride). On the way, you can see the weird shaped mountains and rocks, different kinds of plants and vegetation, streams and the fish swim inside it.
After breakfast, heading to Glass bridge, it is newly built in 2016, located in Grand canyon scenic area inside Zhangjiajie. It is the longest and highest bridge made of glass. The whole body of the bridge are made of glass, there is no single concrete bridge pier supporting the bridge. The bridge is 430 metres long, 6 metres wide and 300 metres high. The surface is made of 99 pieces of glass with thickness is only 0.6 metre. With several Guinness world records, the glass bridge is also available for bungee jump, flying fox and used as a stage. The daily capacity is 8000 people, single time on the bridge is 600 people. Afterwards, head to [Zhangjiajie Farmhouse Orchard] to experience the fun of picking. Every year, the fruit is fragrant. In the orchard, guests can pick the fruits of the season or pick green vegetables, taste the fruits they pick, and pick the food for cooking. Experience the real farm life in the area.
Changsha -After breakfast, heading to the Liuye lake in Changde, it is more like a natural oxygen tank in Changde city. Followed by the Poetry wall that includes poetry,calligraphy,drawing and carvings on one wall together. The last stop is Changde walking street for free shopping.After dinner, going back hotel.
After breakfast, visiting Juzizhoutou park which is a small island in the middle of Xiang river. Dufu pavilion, it was built beside the Xiang river, to memorize great poet in Tang dynasty - Dufu. After that, the next tourist attraction is Xiangxiu exhibition centre (Xiangxiu is one of the 4 most famous embroideries in China). Then free time for tourists until transferrin to airport.
今天,齐集樟宜国际机场,搭乘豪华客机飞往【长沙】,由专业导游接机。根据航班时间:若早班机抵达接机后前往凤凰古城, 入住酒店之后,晚上可以自行夜游凤凰古城。如遇晚班机抵达则直接入住长沙酒店休息,第二天早上前往凤凰。
早餐后前往【凤凰古城】城内,古代城楼、明清古院风采依然,古老朴实的沱江静静地流淌,城外有南华山国家公园, 地下艺术宫殿奇梁洞,建于唐代的黄丝桥古城,举世瞩目的南方长城……当你徜徉古城用条石砌成的岩板街时,两边的 古建筑各抱地势,鳞次栉比,亭台楼阁重重叠叠,如巨龙飞舞,似鳌鱼展翅。细雨声中,仿佛传来进香人的牛皮钉鞋敲 击街面,发出“叮叮”的响声,使人产生隔世之感。沱江河水清澈,撑一支长篙漫溯。沿沱江边而建的吊脚楼群在东门 虹桥和北门跳岩附近,细脚伶仃的立在沱江里,像一幅永不回来的风景。江上有许多座古桥,但最出名的桥叫虹桥。虹桥, 是凤凰古城著名的景点之一。你还能看到不远处有一座石塔,名叫万名塔,静静矗立在江边,笔直,而宏伟。万名塔高 21 米 ,屹立沱江北岸,塔影倒映江心,水中岸上两个塔,蔚为壮观。沿着河边继续走,你能看到好多不同建筑风格的 桥。有石桥、木桥、雪桥、风雨桥等等。之后乘车前往参观湖南特色【墨戎苗寨】湘西最大、民俗风情最浓郁最美丽的 苗寨、宋祖英的家乡。墨戎苗寨有湘西“小千户”之称,对了歌、喝了酒、击完鼓,才能走进这个曾经是“竿子营”的 古苗寨:“竿子营”的营房、烽火台流淌着历史的沧桑;精彩绝伦的苗家手工银饰锻造技艺会让人叹为观止;在杨占鳌 将军的故居里,去感受苗族人的家国情怀、民族大义;奥运会展演过的“四方花鼓”会让您感受到战鼓的震撼;苗人的 巫傩神技更会让您瞠目结舌,目瞪口呆。寨子门口这条河就是龙鼻河,河面宽阔,一座简易的水泥桥,是通往苗寨的道 路之一。隔岸相望,鳞次栉比的民房,黛瓦木墙,依山随势,层层叠叠地坐落在山坡上。跨过龙鼻河便是一垅水田,田 园风情与千年古寨融为一体,犹如一幅世外桃源的山水画展示在人们面前。凡进寨的客人,都要完成三项任务。一是唱 山歌,苗家大嫂唱一首后,就是客人唱一首;二是喝拦门酒,酒不烈,但余味深长;三是敲一响大鼓,表示把平安幸福 带回家。在寨子内可欣赏苗寨民俗风情,苗鼓表演,品尝当地特色苗王长龙宴,体验一次苗王的待遇。
早餐后,前往张家界游览有“张家界之魂”和“湘西第一神山”美誉的【天门山】、【天门洞】位于天门山山体的中上 部,是世界上最高海拔的自然穿山溶洞,终年吞云吐雾,蔚为壮观。【鬼谷栈道】位于觅仙奇境景区,因悬于鬼谷洞上 侧的峭壁沿线而得名。栈道全长 1600 米,平均海拔为 1400 米,起点是倚虹关,终点到小天门。与其他栈道不同的是, 鬼谷栈道全线既不在悬崖之巅,也不在悬崖之侧,而是全线都立于万丈悬崖的中间,给人以与悬崖共起伏同屈伸的感觉。 在栈道上,挺着发麻的双腿,带着急促的心跳,闭上眼,伸开双臂,你就能得到一次最完美、最刺激、最贴近自然的 SPA。 游完之后晚餐享用张家界特色【全世界唯一流传下的宫廷宴席“土司王宴”】,这是土家族最高礼遇,具有浓郁的地方 特色,深受广大消费者喜爱,民间有“不吃土司宴,未到张家界”之说。“土司宴”是张家界特有的地方宴席,它风味 独特、选料讲究、烹制精细、味道鲜美。
早餐后游览【天子山】,以“原始风光自然美”著称。素有“谁人识得天子面,归来不看天下山”,“不游天子山,枉到武陵 源”。她的景观、景点都是天造地设,全无人工雕琢痕迹。这里不但有奇山秀水,还有淳朴的民情,奇特的民俗、独具风味的 民族食品正等待着各位游客光临。搭乘世界最快的【百龙电梯】上山,之后游览【袁家界】、【天下第一桥】【迷魂台】。站 在袁家界景区的观景台上,三千奇峰尽收眼底,雄险秀野,神态各异。峡谷深处,千百根石峰石柱奇伟突立。峻峭之石,如英 武将帅;嵯峨之峰,似勇猛壮士。有声有色,若静若动,形象逼真,呼之欲出。天下第一桥作为张家界十大绝景之一,横跨在 两山之间,雄伟壮观。俯首桥下,但见白云飞渡,奇峰林立;放眼四望,层层叠叠、密密麻麻的独立石峰扑入眼帘,让您目不 暇接。最后搭乘世界最快的【百龙电梯】下山。
早餐后游览【张家界国家森林公园】这里无数形态各异的山峰峥嵘秀丽,数百条山涧碧透晶莹。抵达后,游览【金鞭溪】。金 鞭溪是天然形成的一条美丽的溪流,因金鞭岩而得名。溪水弯弯曲曲自西向东流去,即使久旱也不会断流。走进金鞭溪,满目 青翠,连衣服都映成了淡淡的绿色。清澈见底、纤尘不染的碧水中,鱼儿欢快地游动,红、绿、白各色卵石在水中闪亮。阳光 透过林隙在水面洒落斑驳的影子,给人一种大自然安谧静美的享受。【十里画廊】(双程小火车)峡谷蜿蜒曲折,时宽时窄, 但谷地平坦。深谷像一条充满诱惑的画廊向前逶迤延伸。东沟大峡谷,山势陡峭,峡谷幽深,奇峰异石突起,秀林修竹满涧。 可谓“步步有景,处处如画”。并且其中还可远观【采药老人】【三姐妹峰】等特色景点。
早餐后前往【张家界大峡谷玻璃桥】位于张家界市慈利县境内的张家界大峡谷景区内,建成后将是目前世界最长、最高 的全透明玻璃桥。玻璃桥在张家界大峡谷风景区栗树垭和吴王坡区域内,桥面全部采用透明玻璃铺设,整个工程无钢筋 混凝土桥墩。建成之后将是世界首座斜拉式高山峡谷玻璃桥,并创下世界最高最长玻璃桥等多项世界之最,玻璃桥同时 肩负了蹦极、溜索、舞台等多种功能。长 430 米、宽 6 米,桥面铺设了 99 块三层叠加而成的钢化玻璃,厚度仅 0.6 米, 创造了世界最长、世界最高、世界首座玻璃作为主受力结构的大型桥梁等多项“世界之最”。桥面容量承载有限,全天 最高接待不超过 8000 人,单次上桥最大容量不超过 600 人,游客在桥面逗留体验时间也随之受限。之后前往【张家界 农家果园】体验采摘乐趣,一年四季百果飘香,在果园内客人可自行采摘当季瓜果等或采摘绿色蔬菜,并且品尝亲自采 摘的水果,及采摘的食物可现场烹调,体验当地真正的农家生活。既大饱了口福,又品味了亲手采撷的乐趣。在您畅游 了绿的海洋,品尝了甜美的果实,呼吸了清新的空气,感受这原生态大自然的惠赠。
早餐后到常德【柳叶湖】游览,柳叶湖是常德著名的风景区,山清水秀,宛如一个天然氧吧。【诗墙】荟萃了中国当代 名家诗词、书法、美术精品镌刻于一墙,被称为世界最长的诗、书、画、刻艺术墙,获“基尼斯之最”。之后前往【常德 步行街】尽情享受自由购物。之后返回长沙,入住酒店休息。
早餐后,游览【橘子洲头公园】,游览【杜甫江阁】杜甫江阁为缅怀杜甫而建,选址在长沙西湖路与湘江大道相交的湘江风光 带上,与天心阁、岳麓山道林二寺和岳麓书院形成一条文脉带。清康熙年间,长沙就有文人名士提出为杜甫修建江阁、诗碑, 立塑像,以纪念诗人。之后游览【湘绣展览馆】,湘绣起源于湖南省长沙民间刺绣,属中国四大民间刺绣之一,为以长沙市为 中心的手工艺产品刺绣的总称。之后自由活动至送机时间前往机场,返回温暖的家。
All bookings require a minimum deposit of $500-$1000 per person (depending on destination).