The cradle of vinegar, the hometown of Wujin
★Yellow River Falls: Chinese civilization, good scenery of Shanxi, the world's only yellow waterfall, the heart of China's mother river, witnessing the poetic mood of ancient times.
★Wutai Mountain: With the coolness of the name, the Buddhist world ritual Buddha world's four sacred places of Buddhism.
★Yungang Grottoes: One of the largest ancient grottoes in China.
★JUNAIR present: Wutai Mountain, Yungang Grottoes, Yellow River Bitterroot Falls, Ancient City
★JUNAIR Accommodation: Full 4★ hotel+1 night Pingyao unique anci- ent inn
★JUNAIR cuisine: Pingyao snack flavor, Shanxi noodle flavor ( including preparation)Performance), insta- nt boiled mutton flavor, Mount Wutai vege- tarian feast
★黄河壶口瀑布: 华夏古文明,山西好风光,世界唯一黄 色大瀑布,中国母亲河的心脏,见证“ 君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复 回”的李白诗境。
★五台山: 清凉圣境听蝉,佛国世界礼佛,世界四 大佛教圣地之一素有清凉圣地之美称。 悠久的历史,博大精深的佛教文化和绚 丽多彩的人文景观赋予了五台山无限神 奇与魅力。
★云冈石窟: 中国规模最大的古代石窟群之一,被誉 “东方石窟艺术宝库”
★经典呈现: 佛国圣地五台山+石雕艺术宝库云冈 石窟+黄河奇观壶口瀑布+平遥古城
★经典住宿: 全程4星级酒店+1晚平遥特色古客栈
★经典美食: 平遥小吃风味、山西面食风味(含制作 表演)、涮羊肉风味、五台山素宴