Hotel:Staz Hotel Ulsan or similar
●Upon Arrival,Tour of Ulsan Metropolitan City/UlsanOnggi Museum/Changseongpo Whale Culture Village/Taehwa River National Garden:After taking a luxury flight, arrive at Gimhae International Airport and head to UlsanMetropolita n City.In the afternoon,visit the Ulsan Onggi
Museum to learn about the traditional pottery-makingtechniques.Then,proceed to the Changseongpo WhaleCulture Village,where you can experience the ancient whale hunting village scene through various themed areas,including Whale Square,and the Aquatic Plant Garden.After dinner,enjoy a night stroll at Taehwa River National Garden.
Hotel:Oriental Hotel Sancheong Family or similar
● Tour of Hapcheon Movie Theme Park/Lianhu Temple/Hanxuan Tower/Huangjiang Zhengyang Lake/CuizhiPeak: After breakfast,head to Hapcheon Movie Theme Park, where every alley is filled with unique atmosphere.Next,visit Lianhu Temple,a wish temple built to console the souls of Gochungnang and the Silla soldiers in heaven. Hanxuan Tower is listed as the fifth of the Eight Scenic Spots of Shanchuan.Located at the foot of Cuizhi Peak,it offers a stunning view of Huangjiang Zhengyang Lake.
Hotel:Kumho Tongyeong Marina Resort or similar
●Tour of Dae Wang Rock Park/Dongpo Surf Village/Tongyeong Central Market/Experience Tongyeong Cable Car/Yacht Ride to Watch the Sunset:After breakfast,head to Dae Wang Rock Park,a seaside park located on the east coast.It also has an observation tower.Next,visit Dongpo Surf Village,named "Dongpo Surf,"meaning"Eastern Cliff." Then,head to Tongyeong Central Market,located near the coastline,where fresh fish make up a large portion of the market goods.Afterward,take the Tongyeong Line Cable Car, the longest cable car in Korea.End the day with a yacht ride to enjoy the beautiful sunset!
Hotel:Ramada Encore Busan Station or similar
● Tour of Taejongdae Seaworld Theme Park/Experience Ziplining Across Taejongdae Cliff Coast/Taejongdae Observatory/Yeongdo Coastal Cultural Space:After breakfast,head to Busan Metropolitan City.Visit the Taejongdae Seaworld Theme Park to enjoy media art and experience the thrill of ziplining across the Taejongdae Cliff Coast.Visitors can take a leisurely walk along forest trails or ride a train to easily reach the Taejongdae Observatory and the Yeongdo Coastal Cultural Space.
Hotel:Ramada Encore Busan Station or similar
●Tour of Haedong Yonggungsa Temple/Gwanganri Cultural Village/Busan Art Museum/Jagalchi Fish Market:After breakfast,head to Haedong Yonggungsa Temple,a rare temple located along Busan's beautiful coastline.Next,visit Gwanganri Cultural Village.Gwanganri Road is a
representative old district of Busan,named for the meandering stream that resembles the snowy landscape at the foot of Mount Bonglae.After that,visit the Busan Art Museum, which hosts immersive global media art exhibitions themed on "Eternal Nature,"with new exhibits created in
each region.The journey ends with a visit to Jagalchi Fish Market before dinner.
Hotel:Ramada Encore Busan Station or similar
●Experience Kimchi&Gimbap Making/Visit Ginseng Store /Cosmetics Store/Duty-Free Shop:After breakfast,head to the Kimchi School to experience making kimchi and gimbap. Next,visit a ginseng store to shop for health products made primarily from Korean ginseng.At the cosmetics store, beauty enthusiasts can find the latest and most popular cosmetics and skincare products.Afterward,enjoy shopping at the duty-free shop.
●After breakfast,gather at the designated time and head to Gimhae International Airport to end your trip to Korea and return to your warm home in Singapore.
●抵达后游览蔚山广域市/蔚山翁器博物馆/长生浦鲸鱼 文化区/太和江国家花园: 当日于指定时间在机场集合, 搭乘豪华客机后抵达釜山金海国际机场后前往蔚山广域市, 午餐后参观位于外高山瓮器村内的蔚山瓮器博物馆,了解瓮 器的制作方法。接下来前往长生浦鲸鱼文化区,通过鲸鱼广 场、长生浦古村、史前鲸鱼体验园、水生植物园等主题区以 及雕塑公园等区域,再现了古代捕鲸村的场景。晚餐后,在 太和江国家花园享受夜间漫步,这是城市中的一处疗愈空 间,竹叶的低语让您耳边轻柔。
●游览陕川电影主题公园/莲湖寺/寒暄楼/黄江正阳湖/ 翠芝峰: 早餐后,前往陕川电影主题公园,这里每个小巷都 充满着独特的氛围和看点,多部电视剧、电影和音乐视频的 拍摄地。游客可以乘坐有轨电车、马车等游览,并拍摄每个 地方的照片。接下来是莲湖寺,为慰藉九忠娘和新罗将士在 天国的灵魂而建的许愿寺。寒暄楼位列陕川八景第五位。位 于翠芝峰脚下,可俯瞰黄江正阳湖的美景,因此,许多诗 人、文人都来此享受浪漫人生。
●游览大王岩公园/东陂浪村/统营中央市场/体验统营缆 车/乘坐游艇赏日落: 早餐后,前往大王岩公园,这是一座 位于东海岸的海滨公园,有一条步行道穿过松树、樱花树、 木兰、山茶花、杏树和连翘的树林。有形似巨龙冲天的大王 岩,通过铁桥与大陆相连,设有瞭望塔。东陂浪村位于统营 市代表性鱼市中央市场后面,村庄名称为“东陂浪”意为 “东方悬崖”。然后前往统营中央市场,该市场靠近海岸 线,鲜鱼和干鱼占市场商品的很大一部分。之后乘坐统营缆 车,韩国最长的缆车。 一天结束时,乘坐游艇欣赏日落!
●游览太宗台海上飞行主题公园/体验穿越太宗台悬崖 海岸滑索/太宗台瞭望台/影岛海岸文化空间: 早餐后, 前往釜山广域市。抵达后,前往太宗台海上飞行主题公园欣 赏媒体艺术,并体验穿越太宗台悬崖海岸的滑索刺激。由白 垩纪时期湖底下的多层岩石挤压而成,随后随着时间推移被 海水侵蚀而形成。游客可以在林间小路上散步,或乘坐火车 轻松前往太宗台瞭望台和影岛海岸文化空间。
●游览海东龙宫寺/辉尼耶文化村/釜山艺术博物馆/札嘎 其 鱼 市 :早餐后,前往海东龙宫寺。釜山美丽海岸线上一座 罕见的寺庙。接下来是文化社区村---辉尼耶文化村。辉尼耶 路是釜山具有代表性的原始市区,因蜿蜒的小溪流水形似凤 莱山脚下白雪皑皑的景象而得名。接下来是艺术博物馆是一 个全球沉浸式媒体艺术展,以“永恒的自然”为主题,在每 个地区创作新展品。釜山艺术博物馆尤其独特,19件媒体艺 术作品中有16件是专为釜山新创作的。晚餐前往札嘎其鱼市 后结束旅程。
●体验泡菜&紫菜包饭制作/游览人参专卖店/化妆品专 卖店/免税店: 早餐后,前往泡菜学校体验泡菜(腌制和发
酵的蔬菜)和紫菜包饭(海藻米卷)的制作。接下来,在人 参专卖店选购以高丽人参为主要成分的保健品。化妆品专卖 店相信爱美的女性朋友一定可以在这里挑选到最新最HITO 的 化妆品和护肤品。护肝宝HD-1 可以吸收并排出人体内的有害 物质或低分子物质,提高肝脏再生能力和肝功能。接下来, 在免税店购物。
● 早餐后,于指定时间集合,前往金海国际机场结束韩国之 旅,返回温暖的家新加坡。