At Singapore International Airport for your flight to Tokyo, Narita International Airport.Then then transferred to Sapporo Airport
Upon arrival,our guide will pick you up. Then, move to Jigokudani- Imagine a mountainous area with volcanic gas seeping through the surface, boiling water that crosses its path. The air smells strongly of sulfur and the area looks like a scene from a movie about a post-apocalyptic world. That’s exactly what you’ll see if you visit Noboribetsu Jigokudani aka “Hell Valley“.And then we go to hotel and have dinner in hotel
Lake Toya is a part of "Toya Caldera and Usu Volcano Global Geopark.It is that never ices and the second most transparent lake in Japan. Mt.Showa is a series of strong earthquakes shook the area, and wheat fields were rapidly uplifted. Lava broke through the surface and the current peak was created. It is now 398 m (1,306 ft) tall, and still actively smoking.Bear Ranch -About 200 brown bears are raised at the Bear Farm. They are separated by age. There is also a brown bear museum ,the origin and habits of brown bears are presented using 500 materials and videos.You can feed them apple and any other bear’s foods.Otaru Canal- was a central part of the city's busy port in the first half of the 20th century.It makes for a pleasant stroll during the day, when artists present their works to passing tourists, and during the evenings when old fashioned gas lamps are lit and provide a romantic atmosphere.Kitaichi means glass and it’s also a product of Otaru Canal and you can try yourself in making these fancy products.Music Box Museum is also one of the interesting place in Otaru Canal.
In green season you can enjoy the colorful flowers and spectacular views in the Shikisai-no-oka while riding around and the surrounding areas on the popular Norokko and on carts and buggies.The snow turns the flower garden into Snowland during the winter period. So you can enjoy the snow and nature while riding snow rafts,snowmobiles and other such vehicels. Farm Tomita is Originally simple lavender farm, today has expanded to include a number of large fields of various flower types, including Poppies, French Marigolds, and many more.The most famous image of the farm is that of the ‘rainbow field’ created by planting rows of different flowers along the gentle rolling hills.Asahiyama Zoo-is very popular garden,highlights include a glass tunnel through the penguin pool that allows visitors to observe the birds' underwater flights, and small glass domes in the middle of the polar bear and wolf enclosures that can get visitors right among the animals. The zoo was also one of the first to organize penguin walks in winter.Ginga& Ryusei Falls-Ginga is a graceful waterfall with water flowing like white threads, with water strongly falling about 90m and also referred to as(male waterfall) and Ryusei(female waterfall) for their contrasting appearance.When the waterfalls freeze up in winter and form massive ice pillars.
After breakfast Okhotsk Ryūhyō Museum the room keep temperature in -20*C, visitors can try these and other arctic experiences, even in the middle of summer. The Hands-On Drift Ice Terrace is kept at -15’C, and containsactual drift ice. Visitors can touch the drift ice firsthand. You can also meet creatures from the Okhotsk Sea, such as the clione sea angel.Okhotsk Sea Cruise Here you can see the beauty of the world's southern tip of the ice. The average temperature in the region in February is minus 10*C .Sooner or later the temperature is lower, the sea breeze in the ship deck roaring past.Lake Mashu is surrounded by steep crater walls 660 ft high. It has no significant inlets and no outlet. The lake is one of the clearest in the world and one of the deepest in Japan.Mount lo is an active. It sits within the borders of the town of Shari.Mount Iō literally means mosulphur mountain.There are two explosion
craters and a lava domeat the summit of the volcano.Kussharo LakeIt is the largest caldera lake in Japan in terms of surface area, and sixth largest lake in Japan. It is freeze over completely in winter.Along the lake shore are several outdoor hot springs and a sand beach with naturally heated sand and hot ground water.Ainu Folk Village Here visitors can get a taste of what life was like in the past by witnessing activities such as the production of smoked salmon above sunken hearths, and traditional craft-making using Ainu patterns.
Akan Cruise:The lake used to have a clarity of 8–9 meters in the 1930s. Pollution from local hot spring resorts has decreased the transparency to 3–4 is a beautiful crater lake in Akan National Park. It is a rare algae species that forms itself into beautiful green balls.You can also enjoy the local dance,Kushiroshi Tanchozur Natural Park -Red-crowned Crane"is a Japanese national bird, looks extravagant .Neck, feet long, whole body white, head bright red, tail feathers and feet black, very obvious features, easy to identify.Sometimes red-crowned cranes and tourists will be interactive,very interesting it.Lakeda Wine Castle in there we let you try the most famous and popular wine in Hokkaido.DIY Buckwheat Noodles-Hokkaido is a big province of agriculture,ten provinces rich in buckwheat,for the experience of Japanese culture and rich travel program.we have DIY for visitors in making buckwheat noodles training by the famous cookers and can enjoy noodles make by yourself. Kofuku Station-its closure in 1987, it remains a popular sightseeing spot due its name, which means"happiness"in Japanese.The original station building remains standing, and many people paste business cards and messages on the walls of the waiting room, hoping for happiness.Six flower booth factory- dessert of old shop in Hokkaido and its also the first of white chocolate factory in Hokkaido.The butter biscuit is the basic piece of manpower and a roll of butter and raisin put in the middle of biscuits but it’s not too sweet and have amazing flavour. Strawberry white chocolate also the good one.
After breakfast ,will take you to the Asahi Beer Factory.The most special is can touch beer production of raw materials and also can see making of beer in step by step.After then,there is no alcohol drinks to give young people free trail drink and also have a present for all.Then we are heading to Ishiya Chocolate Factory which is quite famed in Hokkaido.In there we can taste delicious chocolate and listen to that romantic love story.Hokkaido Shrine locate in Maruyama Park,where the tree-lined,pleasant environment But also you can see squirrels from time to time.In particular,when spring come cherry and plum bloom,attracting Millions of people to enjoy the flowers. Hokkaido Hall the old hall is a government building in Sapporo, Hokkaido It is a Baroque European-style building,its appearance directly called red brick , a symbol of Hokkaido. It has been designated as an important cultural relics in Japan.There are Library , Historical Gallery, open to the public free of charge, the museum basically maintained the past style, and show the history of Hokkaido heritage and information,Flower gardens and a pond are located in front of the building, which occasionally are designated as some event venues.Odori Park is a park located in the heart of Sapporo, Hokkaido Japan. Ōdōri means "large street",east and west, from the central area of chase west 1 to 12 dome about 1.5 km long, and divides the city into north and south sections. the park has a fountain, flower beds, pool, monuments and other facilities, is the Sapporo public the best open plant.Beaver Road is the largest commercial street in Hokkaido. It has a history of more than 100 years. Commercial Street is divided into 7 blocks, from the east of the Chuangchuan as a starting point, south to the south two three, about 1 km, this is the center of the commercial street. There are about 200 shops between the west and the city, which runs through the middle of the Sapporo subway station to the station.
After breakfast, Free & Easy one day..
After breakfast,Then transfer to airport for your flight back to Singapore .
早餐后出发《富良野四季彩之丘》----这是一个赏花的好地方,有三个东京巨蛋球场那么大,每年的春秋季节,在起伏的丘陵上,薰衣草、波斯菊、向日葵等花卉竞相开放,远远望去,五彩缤纷,就像画家手中的调色板。如今这里成为众多日剧和广告片的拍摄地。(12/10---3/10 四季彩之丘变成雪上体验中心,自费体验雪上摩托体验)《富田农场》----富良野薰衣草的核心景区,以波浪状的彩色花田与不同品种的薰衣草花田相结合的园艺景观而知名,农场入口处有富良野特产的甜瓜、蜂蜜布丁、薰衣草布丁、甜瓜味冰淇淋和薰衣草味冰淇淋等风味出售,还有长桌椅可供休息和饮食。(冬季富田农场温室内薰衣草观赏体验 11月---3月)《薰衣草枕头制作DIY》---为大家准备传统的薰衣草抱枕制作体验。(带回新加坡)作为永久的回忆。《旭川动物园》----旭山动物园是日本最北端的动物园,同时也是日本最大规模的极地动物园。旭山动物园以独树一帜的动物行为展示方式而闻名,通过展厅的独特设计,让动物在相对自由的饲养状态下展示自己本能行为的同时,还能让游客无障碍地观看到动物的自然状态。在海豹馆,可观赏到巨大的圆筒形水槽中垂直游动的斑海豹。在北极熊馆,不仅能看到北极熊在地面上徘徊,还可看到它们在水中充满活力的游动情形。在企鹅馆,可观赏企鹅在水中360度飞一般的游弋,冬天还能看到企鹅在户外雪地散步。(旭川动物园休息时换成旭川男山造酒工厂参观)《流星/银河瀑布》---大雪山国立公园银河瀑布与流星瀑布是层云峡内两处十分有名的景点。流星瀑布从峭壁间由90公尺高处直注而下,气势磅渤又名男瀑,而一旁的银河瀑布则由数条涓细的支流汇流一起,温婉柔顺,虽然由高度在104公尺处流下,但仍不失其温柔的气质因此也称女瀑,这两者则合称为夫妇瀑布。这里除了可以顺着溪旁眺望瀑布,感受瀑布的气势之外,也可以登上对面的观瀑台,同时欣赏这两座瀑布不同的景像,将两瀑布与山林苍绿的美景一同映入眼帘,美不胜收,难怪这里被列为日本百大名瀑之一。
早餐后出发《阿寒湖游船》是周长30公里,海拔420米,水深45米的火山口湖,湖上有大岛、小岛、呀依他依岛、忠类岛等4座岛,风景秀美,是特别天然纪念物绿球藻生长的神秘之湖。公园以阿寒湖为中心,分布着火山、湖泊和原始森林,清澈的湖水、清新的空气,都让都市的人感到激动。还可以欣赏到当地阿伊努族的传统舞蹈、观看云海、乘坐橡皮艇,冬天还可以玩冰钓和骑雪地摩托车。12月期间乘船行程换成观看《北海道道鸟丹顶鹤公园》。丹顶鹤是日本的国鸟,是日本国民最珍惜的鸟类动物。丹顶鹤全身纯白,尾部墨黑,冠部丹红,于北半球每年冬末春初之际观赏丹顶鹤为最佳。在日本观赏丹顶鹤的最佳地点当然要属钏路市了,钏路市的丹顶鹤自然公园便是上上选,除此还可以去阿寒国际鹤中心和钏路湿地进行参观。钏路市也因此有了“丹顶鹤之乡”的美称。冬季:1-2月提供冰上戏雪体验活动:1. 冰上香蕉船一次/人2. 四轮冰上车体验一次/人3. 冰上钓鱼一次/人《池田红酒城堡》----参观及品尝北海道知名红酒。《DIY荞麦面制作体验》----北海道是农业大省,十胜地区盛产荞麦,为体验日本文化及丰富行程的方案,我们会在这里安排大家体验日本荞麦面手工DIY。5到6人一组,现场有著名的料理师傅传授制作方法,大家也可以作为午餐享用一次在日本亲手制作的荞麦面。《带广幸福车站》----幸福车站是位于北海道幸福町的一个小小的车站。现在这个车站已经于1987年废站。但是车站和两节火车车厢仍保留。车站很小,有些破败的木头房子里,贴满了祝福的便签纸。而车站周边摊位上可以盖纪念章,卖着“爱国幸福”的车票及相关纪念品。《六花亭工厂试吃北海道甜点》---北海道的甜点老店,同时也是北海道最早的白巧克力制造商。最招牌的点心是奶油提子饼干,是人手一包的基本款,饼干中间夹着大颗奶油葡萄干,奶油甜而不腻,纯度很高,饼干里透着朗姆酒的味道,回味无穷。 草莓巧克力也是人气甜点,北海道牛乳白巧克力包着整颗草莓的酸甜味道很好吃。
早餐后出发《朝日啤酒工厂见学试饮朝日啤酒》由专门的解说人员带领游客参观啤酒工厂。最特別的是可以触摸啤酒制作的原料,参观刚制成的啤酒装瓶裝罐的自动化生产流程。工厂参观结束后,有提供无酒精饮料给青少年免费试饮,还准备了來场参观的纪念小礼物,是个适合全家大小参观,并寓教于乐的工厂。 《白色恋人工厂》是北海道著名的巧克力,有石屋制果公司生产。白色恋人名字的由来也是有一段浪漫的故事,去到那里一定要品尝一下那入口即化的白巧克力。《北海道神宫》北海道神宫位于圆山公园中,从明治初期就开始祭祀“开拓三神”,作为“开拓民的心灵家园”。如今这座神社也与当地人的生活息息相关,如正月参拜、驱邪、节分、婚礼等时都会举行传统神事。神宫的院内绿荫浓郁,环境宜人,不时还能看见松鼠的身影。尤其春天来到时,樱花与梅花竞相开放,吸引着无数赏花人的前来。在北海道开拓初期,由于北海道地区多与桦太、千岛等地相对望,而且为了针对俄罗斯的防守需要,神宫的正门是向着东北方的。《北海道旧道厅》位于札幌市中心的旧道厅原本是北海道的最高行政机关大楼,建于1888年。这座红砖绿瓦的巴洛克风格建筑是北海道开拓时代的象征,被当地人亲切地称为“红砖房”,也是札幌的一大地标性景观。优雅的前庭这栋红砖房的前庭里有花坛、池塘及古树,是当地市民散步休闲的好去处。《大通公园》位于札幌中心地带,东西走向,从中央区大通西1丁目到12丁目长约1.5公里。公园里种植着紫丁香等几千棵树木,花坛一年四季都被各种鲜花装点着,还有不断变化造型的喷泉,景色宜人。漫步在公园天气晴好时不妨到大通公园来散散步。《狸小路》是位于札幌市中心的一条商业街,也是北海道最大的一条商业街,拥有百年以上的历史。商业街分为7个街区,从东面的创成川为起点,向南通向南二条三条,长约1公里,这段是商业街的中心。而向西一丁目至七丁目间约有200多间店铺,贯穿了札幌市地下铁车站至薄野站车站的中间位置,与薄野地区的繁华街连成了一片。
All bookings require a minimum deposit of $500-$1000 per person (depending on destination).