(L/D) Hotel: Beppu Onsen Hotel
Assemble at Changi International Airport today for a comfortable flight to Japan Kyushu-Fukuoka Airport.Our
Kyushu journey starts by flight to Fukuoka, Kyushu. Upon arrival, tour guide will fetch us and then go to After that, we will visit Yufuin where there are plenty of local souvenirs and snacks. The next stop is Lake Jin Lin, it is famous
for a hot spring and water flowing out naturally from the bottom, and the name means Golden Fish Scale Lake, it
is due to the reflection of fish scale in the lake during the twilight, you can also see the birds around the lake.
(B/L/D) Hotel: Miyazaki Onsen Hotel
After breakfast, we will heading to Uni-jigoku, it is the most popular attraction out of 8 in Hell Valley Tour. The
water is dark blue and looks like deep sea, actually the temperature is 98 degree Celsius. It is shaped 1,200 years
ago by volcanic eruption. It is now the national heritage of Japan. Here we can taste the most famous local snacks, cooked eggs and puddings by Uni-jigoku Hell. After that, we will go to the Kusasenri, here we can take a full view
of smoking volcano with different scenes all over the 4 seasons. After that we will go Takachiho, which is made
from molten lava with many tales and legends to be told.
(B/L/D) Hotel: Ibusuki Onsen Hotel
After breakfast, we will visit Rock Devil Washboard. Beside the Rock Devil, there is Pacific ocean, and at here you
can have a great view of Southern Japanese Sea. The Rock Devil Washboard gets its name by its wavy rocks during
tides, if you look from far, it is like a huge washboard made naturally in the sea. After that, we will go to Kitsuki-Shi,
it is used to be a prosperous city and called Little Kyoto. Inside the city you can see aged stone wall and samurai’s
house. After that it is the Ibusuki Sand Bath, it located at most southern part of japan, covered by abundant
sub-tropical vegetation. Especially the sand bath using the sea sand heat by hot spring, to cover the whole body so
as to facilitate blood circulation, metabolism and detoxification. It is a Must Try at Kyushu!
(B/L/D) Hotel: Kumamoto Hotel
After breakfast, will heading to Senganen, which was built by 19
th seignior called Shimazu Hisamitsu. Senganen
was built for seignior’s residence with Sakura island and Kinkouwan around. The next stop is Kirishima Shrine, Kirishima Shrine is located at Kagoshima town, it is famous in Japan for its ritual purpose. The architecture
followed traditional japanese temple style, with the sakura trees in spring and maple trees in autumn, it is relaxing
and beautiful. After that, it is Haichie Farm, it is a very popular tourist farm, tourist can interactive with small
animals, they can even join the milking event on Sunday. Upon the small hill, there are natural foot spa hot spring, can get rid of fatigue along the way by simply soak your feet into the spa and enjoy the wonderful farm view at the
same time.
(B/L/D) Hotel: Shimabara,Hotel
After breakfast, we will take 45 minutes ferry to the beautiful Shimabara, Go to Samurai House,Can visit the
samurai living environment at that time. Shimabara's most famous attractions is probably carp street. After we
will be going to Cloud fairy hell,This is the representative tourist attraction of cloud fairy. The cloud fairy hell is not
a real hell, but is a famous hot spring in Japan. Then go to the longest open air foot spa hot spring in Japan - Ashi-yu in Obama town. The hot spring is 105 meters long, temperature is 105 degree Celsius, there are pots
available so you can cook local seafood and eggs. After we will heading to Chinatown at Shinchi to taste Japanese
style Chinese dishes. This place is where most of Chinese gathered, and it was developed from the stores for
China’s merchandise ships in ancient time.
(B/L) Hotel: Fukuoka Hotel
After breakfast, we will heading to Peace Park at Nagasaki, where the place suffer from the atomic bomb during
world war 2, we will also visit the Nagasaki museum to know about the preciousness of peace.After that, we will
heading to Dazaifu Tenemagu Shrine, which is built in western style and located at mid of the hill, at here, you can
have a great view all over Nagasaki port, it is also a favorite place dating couples. After that, we will visit Hakata, it
has been a commercial and trading hub from ancient time, and now it attracts many tourists annually for its
beautiful scenes and various duty free shops.
(B) Hotel: Fukuoka Hotel
After breakfast in the hotel, guests can enjoy free day trips and enjoy the fun of shopping.
After breakfast, we will heading to airport to take flight back home ---Singapore.
(午/晚餐) 住宿:别府温泉*风月 HAMMOND 酒店或同级
自然富裕场所金鳞湖、该湖底的一处有温泉和清水喷涌而出,不可思议。1884 年儒学者毛利空桑在看到湖里的鱼在夕阳下闪烁
(早/午/晚餐) 住宿:宫崎青岛 Grand 酒店或同级
的时候还以为是大海了,实际上水温有 98 度。这个海地狱是 1200 年前鹤见火山爆发而形成的。2009 年和龙卷地狱,血池地狱,
(早/午/晚餐) 住宿:指宿温泉*指宿海上酒店或同级
也是一大乐趣。石墙和正门前的石阶等都保留着 300 年前改建时的样子。城堡中心部分遗迹是长满杉树的广场。接着体验【指宿砂浴】位
(早/午/晚餐) 住宿:熊本* KB 或 APA 酒店或同级
早餐后前往【仙严园】19 代藩主岛津光久作为别邸建造的、借樱岛和锦江湾为背景的风庭园。【雾岛神宫】位于风景优美的鹿儿
(早/午/晚餐) 住宿:长崎*海洋世界酒店或同级
早餐后,乘坐 45 分钟熊本渡轮我们前往美丽的岛原。【武士故居】岛原城建城之际,同时建造了一片武士的住宅区,每 300 平米左右隔
伤,引起无限遐想。【鲤鱼街】岛原最著名的景点大概要属鲤鱼街,虽然那只是一条不足百米的城间小路,宽不足 5 米,但街道两侧花木扶疏
的庭院,拱廊相连的宁静街道,民房四周都围绕着清清浅浅的水渠,整座城镇到处都有地下水涌出,流淌在这一条条的水道中,1000 多尾的鲜
云仙地狱不是真的地狱,而是日本著名的温泉地。这里约有 30 个观光景点,水气喷射,白烟袅袅,烟雾缭绕,到处可见硫磺岩石。云仙地狱
中最著名的是大叫唤地狱,摄氏 100 多度的热泉奔腾不息。坐在温泉里,眺望海尽头落日余辉染红的天空,壮丽而温馨。佐贺也拥有因能够润
叫唤地狱”名字的由来。我们来往日本最著名呃【小浜日本第一足汤】足泡温泉体验。小浜第一足汤是日本最长的,达 105 米的露
天足温泉。水温也可达 105 度。同时周边还准备了蒸锅,可以将当地的鸡蛋,海鲜等食材当场放进去蒸熟食用,别有一番滋味。
(早/午餐)住宿:福冈*福冈 CONFORT 酒店或同级
早餐后,我们来到【和平公园】二次世界大战时的 1945 年 8 月 9 日,美国投往日本的第二颗原子弹就落在长崎市,造成莫大的
哥拉巴宅邸等 9 栋西洋风建筑,由于位处山丘,能够尽享长崎港湾美景,不仅是长崎最着名的观光地更是热门情侣约会圣地,据
誉为「学问之神」与「书法之神」,已有 1100 年的历史,受到全日本的尊敬。这里是祈求金榜题名的圣地,许多疼爱孩子的家长和
高考在即的高中生都来此求其保佑,每年有多达 700 万人来此参拜祈福,在小木板上写下他们期望成功的愿望。之后我们来到【博
多运河城】博多 Bayside Place 自古便是博多的海上门户,商业贸易十分繁荣。现在依然是全年游人不断,热闹非凡。这里有各种
(早餐) 住宿:福冈*福冈 CONFORT 酒店或同级
All bookings require a minimum deposit of $500-$1000 per person (depending on destination).