★Kaifeng: Long history, famous cultural city, experience the prosperity of the other world, savor the culture of the Song Dynasty
★Yuntai Mountain World Geopark:Yuntai Mountain, canyon wonders, three steps a spring, five steps a waterfall, ten steps a pool
★Longmen Grottoes:one of the three major grottoes in China, with 100,000 Buddha statues in the caves, known as China's treasure house of grotto art.
★Kang million manor: Kang family before and after twelve generations of people living in this manor, from the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China for more than 400 years.
★Kaifeng Bao Gong Ancestral Hall: Located in the southwest of Kaifeng City, the hall was built in honor of the most famous Qing official in Chinese history - Bao Qingtian.
★JUNAIR present: Shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes, Yuntai Mountain World Geopark, Baogong Ances- tral Temple, Yellow River Excursion Area.
★JunAir Food: Zhengzhou Baozi Banquet, Kaifeng Farmer's Flavor, Luoyang Fish Head Flavor, Luoyang Dengfeng Vegetarian Lunch
★千年梦寻说开封: 悠久的历史,文化名城、体会隔世繁华, 细品大宋文化。
★云台山世界地质公园: 云台山,峡谷奇观,三步一泉,五步一瀑, 十步一潭。
★龙门石窟: 中国三大石窟之一。石洞内佛像达十万 尊,被誉“中国石窟艺术宝库”。
★康百万庄园又名河洛康家: 康氏家族前后十二代人在这个庄园生活, 纵跨了明、清、民国三个时期400余年, 它背依邙山,面临洛水,因而有“金龟 探水”的美称,是全国三大庄园(康百万 庄园、刘文彩庄园、牟二黑庄园)之一。 开封包公祠位于开封城西南碧水环抱的 包公湖畔,是为纪念中国历史上著名清 官包拯而建的祠堂。成就了一个古今中 外、妇孺皆知的美名一包青天
★经典呈现: 少林寺+龙门石窟+云台山世界地质公园+包公祠+黄河游览区
★经典美食: 郑州包子宴、开封农家风味、洛阳鱼头 风味、洛阳登封素斋山水景观与人文景 观的完美结合登云台·品龙门·赏少林·游 黄河