Hotel: Huagang International Hotel or similar 5*
Upon arrival, transfer to hotel. (if the flight arrives in the afternoon, will be going to Fenghuang directly, check-in Fenghuang Hotel) .
(BLD) Hotel: Fenghuang BATIYA Hotel or similar 5*
After breakfast, heading to Fenghuang Ancient Town, Hunan Fenghuang (Phoenix) Ancient Town, an old town built up in Qing Dynasty, is still
being kept in its original appearance with 300 years passed.Ranking as the top ancient town in China, Fenghuang Ancient Town is a guide
book for people to know the past life in the pre-modernization period. The wooden houses and stone roads are the typical scenes here. When
sightseeing in this town in a misty day, you will really find why it is so famous and popular all the time. The scenery after rain or in the misty
morning is more like a Chinese traditional painting rather than a real world.
(B/L/D) Hotel: International Splendid East Hotel or similar 5*
After breakfast, heading to Zhangjiajie, visit Junsheng art house, founded by renowned China artist - Li Junsheng, he invented a new way of
painting - sand stone painting. By combining western oil painting and Chinese calligraphy, with sands and small stones, to create painting
regarding local minority’s daily life or Zhangjiajie’s landscape. After that, go to Tianmen mountain, visit Tianmen cave, it is a naturally formed
cave in the middle of mountain. Tianmen Mountain, located 8km away from Zhangjiajie city center, is the highest mountain in Zhangjiajie, with the main peak of 1518.6 meters (4982.3 feet) high. The world marvelous scene called Tianmen Cave, meaning a door to the heaven in
Chinese, makes this mountain famous. The comparative plat mountain top, the well-preserved original forest, the rare plants and species, the
natural bonsai in everywhere form into a splendid picture. People entitle this mountain as the most beautiful flower garden in the sky and the
fairy land in the boundary of heaven.For a long time, Mount Tianmen not only attracted attention because of its miraculous and unique
geographic landform and unparalleled natural landscape, but it also became well-known for its profound cultural connotations and famous
colorful humanistic site.Then we go to Guigu plank road, it is built against Guigudong’s cliff, full length is 1,600 metres and average altitude is
1,400 metres.
(B/L/D) Hotel: International Splendid East Hotel or similar 5*
After breakfast, visit Tianzi mountain by Bailong lift (VIP access, no queue), the most beautiful mountain among Zhangjiajie’s mountain. Tianzi Mountain has four scenic wonders, namely Cloud Billows, Moon Brightness, Sun Glow and Winter Snow. The cloud billows are ever
changing, morning and evening sun glows vast sky, moon shines in the still night, winter snow falls enchanting the scenery, like a lyric, like a
landscape painting. Here in the Tianzi Mountain, scene majestic is in all its variety. There are five main scenic zones and over ten scenic
spots in the Tianzi Mountain area. They include more than 80 natural platforms to take in the magnificent scenery. Highlights in Tianzishan:
Helong Park, West Sea Stone Forests, Divine shrine and Immortal Bridge. 6 tourist areas have been built to accommodate visitors and they
include more than 80 natural platforms to take in the magnificent scenery. Then go to Yuanjiajie, to see the prototype of “Hallelujah
Mountain” in movie “Avatar”.Yuanjiajie Scenic Area belongs to a part of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It situates in the code area of
Wulingyuan Scenic Area as the main attraction in Zhangjiejie. Decorated by the world's most beautiful valley Golden Whip Valley, Yuanjiajie
scenic area tells travelers what is a marvelous mountain in China. Followed by Tianxiadiyiqiao and Mihuntai, then come down from Bailong
lift again.
(B/LD) Hotel: International Splendid East Hotel or similar 5*
After breakfast,Vist Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. is located in the southern part of the Wulingyuan Scenic Zone. The several thousand
mountain peaks of quartz rise abruptly from the ground. Streams flow through the Jinbian (Gold Whip) Stream Grand Canyon which is flanked
by sheer cliffs. The sightseeing platform at Huangshi Village is shrouded in mist. Wild animals (especially the macaque monkeys) play freely
in the primeval forests. The scenic zone is like a fairy land with the beauty of wild nature. it was recognized as China's first national forest park
(4,810 hectares). Zhangjiajie National Forest Park was designated a much larger (397.5 km²) as Wulingyuan National Park by the State
Council on August 1, 1988. We will start with Jinbian stream first, then followed by Shillihualang (Return train ride). On the way, you can
see the weird shaped mountains and rocks, different kinds of plants and vegetation, streams and the fish swim inside it.
(BLD) Hotel: Century Cruise 5★
After breakfast, heading to Yichang, on board Victoria Cruise, start our tour at Three Gorges, the voyage is about 600 kilometres from
Yichang to Chongqing, you will the most beautiful part of Yangze river along the way. The cruise departs at 9pm from Yichang.The Yangtze
Three Gorges is a great valley with a most splendid landscape in the Yangtze River and it is one of the ten most famous scenic sites of China.
It extends from White Emperor City in Fengjie County, Chongqing Municipality to Nanjin Pass in Yichang, Hubei Province, consisting of
Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge, with a full length of 193 km.
(BLD) Hotel: Century Cruise 5★
After breakfast, we will heading to three gorges dam first, stop at sandouping, take a look at the largest dam in the world. After that, pass
through 5 storey navigation lock to the quiet xiling gorge. extends from Badong County in the west to the Nanjin Pass in Yichang in the east, about 66 km long. It is the longest of the Three Gorges.Xiling Gorge is full of shoals and rapid currents. The most dangerous shoals are
Xietan, Qingtan and Kong Ling, collectively known as the Three Shoals of Xiling. Among all the dangerous shoals, Qingtan Shoal and
Kongling Shoal are the most famous.
(BLD) Hotel: Century Cruise 5★
After breakfast, the cruise stop at Wu Gorge extends from the mouth of the Daning River in Wushan County to Guandukou in Badong County. Wu Gorge is 44 kilometers long. The gorge is known for its deep valleys and forest covered mountains. Wu Gorge is a long and neat gorge
divided into two sections - the Golden Helmet and Silver Armor Gorge and the Iron Coffin Gorge.Wu Gorge is full of zigzags, weird peaks, rising mists and beautiful sights. As the river cuts through the Mt. Wushan, its roaring currents change their directions constantly. Travelling
through the gorge in a boat, one sometimes may find the way blocked by mountains. But a sharp turn of the boat brings one to an area of
entirely different scenery. Wu Gorge is the most beautiful part of the Yangtze, green trees and bushes, together with fogs and clouds cover
the high peaks.Qutang Gorge is the shortest of the Three Gorges (8 kilometers). It is considered the most dramatic by many visitors. The
river navigates through the gorge's sheer, steep cliffs where the Meng Liang staircase from the Song Dynasty can be seen. Qutang Gorge
starts at the White Emperor City in the west and ending at Daxi Stream in the east with a distance of 8 kilometers.
(BLD) Hotel: Century Cruise 5★
After breakfast, the cruise will stop at Shibao village. It was built during Ming dynasty, the village was built along the mountain from bottom to
the top, there are 12 storey and total height is 56 metres, the whole village is made of wood. Inside the village, there are plenty of poetry, carvings, murals from celebrities all over the China.
After breakfast, the cruise will arrive Chongqing at 9am, then transfer to airport. (Cruise itinerary and sequence subject to weather condition
and water level, it may change to stop at Shennongxi on 3
rd day and Wanzhou on 4
th day)
(早:酒店内/午:中式合菜/晚:苗家风味) 宿:5☆凤凰-芭提雅酒店或同级
伟。万名塔高 21 米 ,屹立沱江北岸,塔影倒映江心,水中岸上两个塔,蔚为壮观。沿着河边继续走,你能看到好多不同建筑风格的桥。有石
(早:酒店内/午:菌菇风味/晚:中式合菜) 宿:5☆锦绣东都酒店或同级
穿山溶洞,终年吞云吐雾,蔚为壮观。【鬼谷栈道】位于觅仙奇境景区,因悬于鬼谷洞上侧的峭壁沿线而得名。栈道全长 1600 米,平均海拔为
1400 米,起点是倚虹关,终点到小天门。与其他栈道不同的是,鬼谷栈道全线既不在悬崖之巅,也不在悬崖之侧,而是全线都立于万丈悬崖的
激、最贴近自然的 SPA。
(早:酒店内/午:粤式风味/晚:中式合菜) 宿:5☆锦绣东都酒店或同级
(早:酒店内/午:土家风味/晚:中式合菜) 宿:5☆世纪系列豪华游轮
早餐后沿途游览,下午驱车前往【宜昌】抵达后,送往码头登三峡游轮,开始我们舒适的三峡之旅。重庆到宜昌全程水路约为 600 多公里。您
将在接下来的五天四晚里尽情享受长江三峡的壮丽之美。船离宜昌港 晚上 09:00 船离开湖北省西部经济文化中心宜昌市。
长江三峡是一幅千里画卷,处处是景,点点如诗,经典只多不胜枚举。长江三峡,中国 10 大风景名胜之一,中国 40 佳旅游景观之首。今天开
始我们的旅程。三峡大坝坝址/西陵峡 客人下船上三斗坪参观世界大坝之最三峡大坝工地;之后船过大坝五级船闸和诗般恬静的西陵峡。【三峡
大坝】坝址位于湖北省宜昌市三门坪中堡岛,距下游葛洲坝水利枢纽工程 38 公里,是当今世界上最大的水利枢纽工程,坝区总面积为 15.28 平
显着改善长江宜昌至重庆 660 公里的航道,万吨级船队可直达重庆港,将发挥防洪、发电、航运、养殖、旅游、保护生态、净化环境、开发性
(游轮三餐·自助+中式) 宿:5☆世纪系列豪华游轮
神女溪、巫峡、瞿塘峡 客人下船坐小船游览风光迤逦的神女溪;随后游船继续航行过群山绿林密布、奇峰险峻的巫峡和瞿塘峡。【神女溪】当地
人又称为“美女溪”,溪长 15 公里,由于水面湍急、溪浅道窄,其中有 10 公里为人迹罕至的原始山谷。三期蓄水后,可到溪内峡谷纵深处探
河起,至巴东县官渡口止,全长 46 公里,有大峡之称,以幽深秀丽擅奇于天下。峡江两岸,青山连绵,群峰如屏,船行峡中,时而大山当前,
个峡叫瞿塘峡,又叫夔峡。长江到了这里骤然变狭,最窄的地方只有 100 多米。两岸峭崖壁立,山势险峻,滚滚江水倾入峡谷,浪涛翻卷,奔
(游轮三餐·自助+中式) 宿:5☆世纪系列豪华游轮
石宝寨—位于重庆忠县境内江北岸边,距县城 45 千米。此处临江有一俯高十多丈,陡壁孤峰拔起的巨石,相传为女娲补天所遗的一尊五彩石,
冀,造型十分奇异。整个建筑由寨门、寨身、阁楼组成,共 12 层,高 56 米,全系木质结构。始建于明万历年间,经康熙、乾隆年间修建完
善。原建 9 层,隐含 “九重天”之意。顶上 3 层为 1956 年修补建筑时所建。寨内有三组雕塑群像,其一为巴曼子刎首保城的故事,其二为张飞
直悬空的辉煌宫殿。每层飞檐高耸,从下而上逐层缩小,木石相衔,层层联结,其内有一条迂回曲折的旋梯相通,可达 “柑字凌霄”。亭内石壁
早餐后,船低美丽如画的山城重庆港。09:00 客人离船,行程结束(早餐) (如受天气或水位原因,船方视情况调整游览景点。 离船登岸后乘旅游车
All bookings require a minimum deposit of $500-$1000 per person (depending on destination).