1. China's only natural wonder "Northern Lights" observation point
2. 4-5 star hotel
3. no shopping
After gathering at Changi International Airport, take a flight to Harbin. After arriving, head to Harbin visit Harbin Shibiao Flood Control Memorial Tower. It is located in the Stalin Park of the China-Soviet Friendship Park. It is located on the banks of the Songhua River. The world-famous Harbin Ice Lantern is made of natural ice. . Then go to see the Sophia Cathedral is the best preserved typical Byzantine architecture in China today. The architecture of this century-old building is magnificent, simple and elegant, filled with charming colors, and its architecture uses traditional architectural methods.After that, go to the centuries-old Russian style street on Main Street.Tonight will be living in Harbin.
After breakfast, the hotel heads to the Zhalong Nature Reserve, a Grade AA scenic spot in the Qiqihar National, home of the Red-crowned Crane. After passing through Daqing City, the hotel enjoys an endless stream of oil fields and oil refineries. Viewing the importance of protecting wetlands at the international level, we will go to the Specimen Exhibition Hall to learn more about the various animal resources in the wetlands. We will board the Crane Tower and enjoy the endless reeds and a variety of rare birds. Watch cranes watch the cranes in their cranes. Watch the red-crowned crane flying show (Note: If the weather is raining, the red-crowned crane will not fly) Enjoy the red-crowned cranes that symbolize good luck and longevity, dance and commemorate the hundred cranes, and take photos with the cranes. Then go to Qiqihar to tour the first shot of the Anti-Japanese War. Plaza Check in after dinner
After breakfast, go to Hulunbeier Bayan Hushuo Prairie. You can roam the prairie, which is a result of the needs of the Mongolian people. It has a long history. You will experience a welcome drink. Enjoy the peace and quiet of the prairie. After dinner, stay at the Hailar Hotel.
After breakfast, go to Ergun in the Hulun Buir Prairie and enjoy the biggest wetland in Asia, the Genhe Wetland. This is China's wetland with the best and largest area. This is a pure land and holy land that integrates with nature. For lunch, we went to the last to make the deer tribe quaint and Lulu quaint to deer tribe. They were hidden in the forest and snowfields in the forest area of Daxing'an Mountains. They survived under extreme conditions of minus 40 degrees and adhered to the most primitive hunting methods. Reindeer companionship. The signs and ways of thinking of the primitive and clan communes are still preserved in the middle of them. They are called the last "hunting tribe" in China. They are the only people in China who are caribou. The "Junlu quaint" is the Ewunk language, meaning "a place where the poplars are lush," after having settled in Genhe after dinner.
After breakfast, we left the beautiful Hulun Buir Prairie and began to travel through the Daxing’anling primeval forest. Daxing’anling is located in the northern part of Heilongjiang Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and is the watershed between Inner Mongolia Plateau and Songliao Plain. This piece of woodland, which stretches for thousands of miles in the northernmost part of China, is full of the natural qualities of its forests, clear waters, blue skies, snow-covered ice peaks, and iridescent green cui. It is also characterized by its unique winter snow peaks and cold winter pines. People are dreaming and eager to come... and arrive in Mohe Ancient Town.
After breakfast, we walked into the northernmost Arctic Village in China. The original wooden country house attracts people's attention at high latitudes, 53⁄2 degrees north latitude, and has natural “extremely”, “extremely night” and “northern lights”. Wonderful
scenery. Every summer, especially during the week before and after the summer solstice, Mohe has long days and nights. It is only a little darker every night when it is midnight. Then there is a bright morning glow and a rising sun. This is the only place in China where the Northern Lights can be seen. Fortunately, it can be more. A glimpse of the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis is a natural phenomenon, depending on the weather at that time). Going to the Arctic boundary monument in China left a wonderful memory in China’s northernmost point. Russia in the far north of China’s northernmost shores is dreamlike, and the two countries enjoy different views. This is the most northern part of China’s history. The post office (postcards were sent by a guest by mail), a return mail was sent, and the untouched original scenery of the Daxing'anling forest. * If the Arctic Village Hotel is full, the night will stay in Mohe.
After breakfast, we left the northernmost point of China to go to Heihe, a Sino-Russian border city. We stretched the northernmost border highway all the way forward and crossed the Xing'an Range to the Russian-style park. The Sino-Russian National Orient Garden is located in the western suburbs of the downtown area of Heihe. Kilometers. There are four ethnic parks, including Oroqen, Daur, Manchu, and Russia. Tourists enjoy different nationalities, different periods, and different styles of main buildings, enjoy ethnic dances, participate in unique folk performances, and appreciate the ethnic customs of China and Russia, and the nature of Xingan Mountain, Longjiang River, black land, and borders. Scenery. After arriving in Heihe City, you will visit the Heihe River Park and see Russia across the river.
After breakfast, the hotel will go to the ancient city. It is the place where the "Russian-Russian Treaty" was signed. The earliest cricket was built during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty. In order to meet the needs of the remnants of the Yuan dynasty, Emperor Yongle built a turbulent city on the left bank of the Heilongjiang River, downstream of the confluence of the Jingli River and Heilongjiang, that is, in the area of Vishay Ley Village in Russia today. After going to Wudalianchi.Afterwards, visit Nanping Spring is Yongquan. According to legend, the Daur hunters shot a sika deer on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. The wounded deer went to the spring and ran away. He has been known as the "Shenquan" and "Meiquan" since then. Fifth, the people of all nationalities in the distance came to Quanbian to kill pigs and slaughter sheep for the sacrifice of gods, and to drink spring water to treat diseases and eliminate disasters. The North Drinking Spring has carbon dioxide bubbles emerging from the mouth of the spring and it seems to be boiling. Beiquan Spring is both a natural mineral water and a medical mineral water.
After breakfast, head to laoheishan area, laoheishan is one of the typical volcanoes, mountains and more from the black pumice, due to the typical landforms, shaped like a Black Dragon, green vegetation in summer and winter snow are not conceal it black The gloss is called Black Dragon Mountain. The volcanic landscape is complete and the landscape is peculiar. It is praised by geologists as a rare volcanic geological exhibition hall.
After breakfast, Free time after breakfast, drive to airport to return to beautiful home - Singapore.
今日于新加坡樟宜机场集合地,搭乘豪华客机前往素有东方莫斯科及东方小巴黎之称的哈尔滨,前往【圣·索菲亚教堂广场】沙俄东西伯力亚最大的随军交堂,远东地区最大东正教教堂;【中央大街】是目前亚洲最大最长的步行街 “没有到过中央大街,就不能说来过哈尔滨”。被称为“亚洲第一街”的中央大街,一百多年来,不仅是一条老街、步行街,更是建筑艺术博览街;【防洪纪念塔、斯大林公园】以中国人民好朋友斯大林命名的带状公园,代表哈尔滨人民战胜洪水的重要标志。
早餐后,前往【扎龙自然保护区】芦苇沼泽广袤辽远,湖泊星罗棋布,苇草肥美,鱼虾丰盛,环境幽静,风光绮丽,是鸟类繁衍的 " 天堂 " ,保护区栖居鸟类 150 多种,其中鹤的种类多,数量大,颇为世人瞩目,素有 " 鹤的故乡 " 之称。乘坐景区电瓶车参观中国大湿地、世界鹤家乡。按照指定时间观看丹顶鹤放飞表演,看在一望无垠的大湿地上空,丹顶鹤的曼妙舞姿;(注:如天气下雨丹顶鹤不会飞翔)途经大庆远观一望无际的大庆油田及采油机。
早餐后,前往【根河源国家湿地公园】(含环保车),根河源国家湿地公园位于内蒙古大兴安岭腹地,是北部林区旅游发展的枢纽和重要游客集散地,是北上黑龙江漠河,西南下呼伦贝尔,东南进黑龙江五大连池的一个重要交通节点 。占地面积59060.48公顷,各类湿地面积20291.01公顷,湿地率34.36%。湿地公园拥有森林、沼泽、河流、湖泊等多种生态系统,森林与湿地交错分布,处于原始或自然状态,是众多东亚水禽的繁殖地,是目前我国保持原生状态最完好、最典型的寒温带湿地生态系统。后赶赴根河市晚餐。【敖鲁古雅鄂温克猎民乡驯鹿】敖鲁古雅鄂温克民族乡位于呼伦贝尔市根河市最北部的敖鲁古雅河畔,根河市西郊。是鄂温克族最远也是最神秘的一个支系居住的地方。与成群结队的驯鹿和马鹿们近距离接触,在猎民点客人可尽情体验敖鲁古雅鄂温克民俗风情。感受中国最后一支狩猎民族,与驯鹿零距离接触,去一次圣诞老人出发的地方,感受原始森林文化。
早餐后,前往【瑷珲古城】这里是《中俄瑷珲条约》的签订地。最早的瑷珲,建于明朝永乐年间。永乐皇帝为适应对元朝残余势力斗争的需要,在黑龙江左岸,精奇里江与黑龙江汇合处的下游,即今天的俄罗斯境内维笑勒伊村一带,建起了个瑷珲城。【五大连池】国家AAAAA级景区、世界地质公园、世界人与生物圈保护区、国际绿色名录、国家重点风景名胜区、国家级自然保护区、国家森林公园、国家自然遗产、中国矿泉水之乡、中国著名火山之乡、圣水节(药泉会)国家非物质文化遗产。【南饮泉】属涌泉。相传,昔有达斡尔族猎人于农历五月初五射伤一梅花鹿,受伤的梅花鹿涉过此泉便伤愈飞奔而去,从此被称为“ 神泉” 、“ 药泉” ,每逢农历五月初五,远近各族人民来到泉边杀猪宰羊以祭神灵,饮泉水以去病消灾。【北饮泉】在泉口可见有二氧化碳气泡冒出,状若沸腾。北饮泉既是饮用天然矿泉水,也是医疗矿泉水。
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