● Take a luxury flight from Singapore Changi Airport to Istanbul.
● You will be picked up by your guide and drive to Bursa.Visit Turki- sh delight store to try local delicate of Turkey.Visit the Grand M- osque which is famous for its unique calligraphy.After lunch drive to Kusadasi.Overnight in Kusadasi.
● After breakfast visit Eghesus Ancient city which has temples ded- icated to different emperors,sacred places dedicated to Goddess Artemis,Celcus Library,Agora,Theater and so on.We will visit a le- ather factory to see Turkey's local leather garments.After lunch we will drive to Pamukkale to visit Hierapolis Ancient City and Pa- mukkale Cotton Castle.Overnight in Pamukkale.
● After breakfast drive to Cappadocia via Konya.In Konya visit To- mb Of Rumi,the head of sufi order.After lunch drive to Cappado- cia.Overnight in Cappadocia.
● After breakfast visit handmade carpet viewing center.You will st- art your tour with Goreme Open Air Museum to discover monast- eries carved into natural rock.Then you will visit Avanos town to s- ee process of handmade pottery making.It will be nice to spend s- ome time by the Red River.After lunch visit Underground City of Cardak used by early Christians as shelter.Then head to which w- as Uchisar town to see the highest rock castle in the area.Visit E- PH Pigeon &Devrent Valleys to take pictures of interesting lands- cape.Overnight in Cappadocia.
● After checkout,drive to Ankara via Salt Lake.Photo Stop at the S- alt Lake.Visit Mouseleum of Ataturk.After lunch,drive to Bolu.O- vernight stay in Bolu.
● From Bolu drive to lstanbul.You will visit Blue Mosque,Hippodrom- e,Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace and Grand Bazaar.Overnight in Istanbul.
● You will join a Bosphorus Tour with a private boat to see beauties of Bosphorus and visit colourful Spice Bazaar.After lunch have fr- ee time in Taksim &Istiklal Street for shopping.Overnight in Ista- nbul.
● After check out visit Istinye Park Mall for shopping.Then head to the airport for your departure flight.End of our services.
● Return to Singapore with wonderful memories and souvenirs of y- our Turkey vacation.
●早餐后参观埃基苏斯古城,这里有供奉不同皇帝的神庙、 供奉阿尔忒弥斯女神的圣地、塞尔库斯图书馆、阿古拉、 剧院等。午餐后,我们将驱车前往帕姆卡莱,参观希拉波 利斯古城和帕姆卡莱棉花堡,在帕姆卡莱过夜。早餐后, 驱车经孔塔前往卡帕多奇亚。在孔亚参观苏菲派首领鲁米
●早餐后乘车经科尼亚 (KONYA) 前往卡帕多西亚。在科尼亚参观苏菲派领袖鲁米之墓。午餐后乘车前往卡帕多奇亚。
●早餐后参观手工地毯观赏中心,您将从戈雷梅露天博物馆( GOREME OPEN AIR MUSEUM) 开始游览,参观雕刻在天然 岩石上的寺庙。然后前往阿瓦诺斯镇,参观手工制陶工艺。 在红河边度过一段美好时光也是不错的选择。午餐后参观 卡达克地下城,早期基督徒曾在此避难。然后前往鸟奇萨镇,参观该地区最高的岩石城堡。参观EPH 鸽子谷 (PIG- EON&DEVRENT VALLEYS), 拍摄有趣的风景照片。在卡帕多西亚过夜。
●退房后,驱车经盐湖前往安卡拉。在盐湖拍照留念。参观 阿塔图尔克纪念馆 (MOUSELEUM OF ATATURK) 午餐后,驱车前往博卢。在博卢过夜。
●从波卢驱车前往伊斯坦布尔。您将参观蓝色清真寺、赛马 场、圣索菲亚大教堂、托普卡帕宫和大巴扎。在伊斯坦布尔过夜。
●您将乘坐私人游船游览博斯普鲁斯海峡的美景(早/晚), 并参观色彩斑斓的香料集市。午餐后,您可在塔克西姆街( TAKSIM) 和斯蒂克拉尔街 (STIKLAL STREET) 自由购物。在伊斯坦布尔过夜。
●退房后,前往伊斯坦堡公园购物中心 (ISTINE PARK MALL)购物。然后前往机场搭乘离境航班。结束我们的服务。