Assemble at Changi Airport and take flight to Chengdu. Upon arrival, you will be welcomed and met by our tour guide .Arrive at the hotel and have a rest.
After breakfast, you will visit Chunxi Road which is the most thriving and famous shopping street in Sichuan. This street is well-know with its relax living style as well as beautiful scenery in the surrounding. Most of the time you will realize it’s so crowded just like what you always see in Orchard, Singapore. Then we go to Hailuogou by then drop at Moxi town, a small town at the back of mountain, it is situated at the entrance of Hailuo Gou, it is encompassed by lofty mountains with a tongue-shaped table carved by the ancient glacier.The small town’s population is formed by 8 different tribes.
After breakfast, proceed to Hailuogou (conch valley), situated 380km from the east of Chengdu. Located at the lowest altitude spot around in Asia, Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park is an integrative scenic area consisting of modern oceanic glacier, complete virgin forest, as well as boiling, hot, and cold springs. Situated in Moxi Town at southwest Luding County, Garze, Sichuan Province, at the east hillside of Mt. Gongga-the highest among the mountains in Sichuan, this Hailuogou valley is 30.7km long, covering an area of 220 square km. it is 290km away from Chengdu, 76km away from Kangding, and 52km away from Luding County. Hailuogou is an important part of the national level Mt. Gongga scenic spot. And it is also a national level natural reserves, national glacier forest park, national AAAA class tour resort, and national geologic park.With rising and setting of the sun, light and shadow form different attractiveness of the spot each day. Year in year out, flower blossom reflects the eternity of remote and quite paradise. All the beautiful sports and attractive colors, great mountains and comfortable hote springs, are the best gifts given back to the tourists by Hailuogou.You can take the cable car to Camp 4 to watch the glacier at your own expense.(Depending on the weather, the individual's physical condition Self-selection.)
After breakfast, we went to the result with red, visit magical tour of the fort. Redstone is given to honk GongShan nature in one of the most rare species, in HaiLuoGou, elegant and Geng red, and other scenic areas are the result of large area while red, each stone was put on a red mosses beautiful red coat. On both sides of the river in fort accumulation, swarms of fort into a flow of red, and the clear water company down the river, let a person plaint nature of the miracle of nature.Then visit yajia love ocean ,is a snow mountain, cuckoo surrounrrounded,legendary lake of “love” .,since ancient times is the monkey and kangding mountain eponymous love the holy land.
After breakfast , driving to the next station, north and south ChuanCangXian in xindu bridge ,Xinduqiao has been long famed as a photographer’s paradise in China, not only because of the town itself, but also because of the beautiful surroundings, especially the Ten-mile Gallery. Enthusiasts of photography will be marveled at the fabulous natural lights and shadows, and the idyllic landscape of vast grassland where flocks of sheep and cattle are scattered, soft clear brooks, golden poplars in autumn, snow-capped mountains afar... Besides, National Geographic recommends Xinduqiao Town as the best place to enjoy the stunning scenery of Mount Gongga at sunrise. Then visit to Tagong Grassland ,Tagong or Lhagang in Tibetan language means a favorite place of Bodhisattva. Legend has that Princess Wencheng traveled through Tagong when she made her way to Tibet to marry the king Srongtsen Gampo in 641. Suddenly, the Sakyamuni Buddha statue what She brought with talked to people that he would like to stay here. Thus people made a replica of the stature immediately and left it in Tagong Town. Since then, the monastery of Tagong to hold the Sakyamuni Buddha statue has been famed as the “Lesser Jokhang Temple”.The vast Tagong grasslands, sacred Tagong Monastery, towering snow-capped mountains, pristine hidden Tibetan villages and surrounding scenic areas make Tagong a perfect destination to photograph and for hiking or horse-hiding.
After breakfast,we will visit【Shangli Town】,【Bifengxia Panda Base】The giant pandas are not only a Chinese national treasure but are also beloved by people the world over. Therefore, when visitors from home and abroad come to Chengdu, Sichuan, one of their main objectives will be to see this lovely animal for themselves. After dinner Enjoy the【Face Changing show】.
After breakfast , we will go to【People’s park Crane Tea House, Complimentary 1 bowl of authentic Chengdu Gai Bowl Tea.Then visit 【width and narrow alley. They are being rebuilt in the old style — brick construction, curved, tiled roofs with decorative trim. Then you will go shopping at the old town of 【IFS Taikoo Li】. 【Giant Panda】
Last day, After breakfast Transfer to airport, and take a flight back home.
早餐后前往【海螺沟】是亚洲最东低海拔现代冰川发现地,是中国至今发现的最高大冰瀑布。(门票、观光车·已含)沟内蕴藏有大流量沸热温冷矿泉,大面积原始森林和特高的冰蚀山峰,大量的珍稀动植物资源,金山、银山交相辉映,蔚为壮观。 海螺沟五绝:①日照金山。②冰川倾泻③雪谷温泉④原始森林⑤康巴藏族风情。进入中国国家级风景名胜区—贡嘎山海螺沟冰川森林公园,海螺沟景区融现代冰川,原始森林及温泉于一体,构成了特有的低海拔低纬度的现代冰川奇景。海螺沟冰川【大冰瀑布】举世无双的大冰瀑布,高达1000多米,宽约1100米,比著名的黄果树瀑布大出十余倍,瑰丽非凡。海螺沟是亚洲最东低海拔现代冰川发现地,海拔2850米。其大冰瀑布高1080米,宽0.5米-1100米,是中国至今发现的最高大冰瀑布。冰川舌,伸入原始森林达6公里,形成冰川与森林共存的奇绝景观。海螺沟冰川活动性最强,在冰川的运动中,形成晶莹如翡翠、水晶的冰川弧拱、冰洞、冰阶梯、冰门、冰湖、冰峰。沟内蕴藏有大流量沸热温冷矿泉,大面积原始森林和高的冰蚀山峰,大量的珍稀动植物资源,金、银山交相辉映,蔚为壮观。可自费乘坐缆车上四号营地观看冰川,可见冰川舌,伸入原始森林达6公里,形成冰川与森林共存的奇绝景观。(可根据天气、个人身体状况自行选择搭乘缆车上4号营地.)晚餐后享用【温泉泡汤】,解除疲劳。 注:冬季行程海螺沟温泉改为花水湾温泉泡汤。
早餐后,前往【人民公园鹤鸣茶社*赠送成都地道盖碗茶一碗】距今已有百年历史。作为成都市井文化的地标和茶文化的代表,不管是市民,还是慕名而来的游客,都喜欢在鹤鸣茶社喝上一盏盖碗茶。【宽窄巷子】位于四川省成都市青羊区长顺街附近,由宽巷子、窄巷子、井巷子平行排列组成,全为青黛砖瓦的仿古四合院落,这里也是成都遗留下来的较成规模的清朝古街道,与大慈寺、文殊院一起并称为成都三大历史文化名城保护街区。【锦里古镇】民俗一条街进行愉快的购物。西蜀第一街,有“成都清明上河图”之称武候祠的东侧仅一墙之隔,就是西蜀最古老的商业街道――锦里,一条以川西民居风格建筑为主的老街道。晚餐后我们将欣赏成都九眼桥著名的【廊桥夜景】九眼桥,古名宏济桥,又名镇江桥,始建于明万历二十一年(1593),由当时布政使余一龙所建。系石栏杆、石桥面的大拱桥,长4宽3高3丈,下有9洞。在清朝乾隆五十三年(1788)由总督李世杰 补修时,改名为九眼桥。前往网红打卡圣地【IFS太古里】【巨像熊猫】。
Compulsory tour 600RMB: Panda Base, Changing face show, Sichuan hotpot, Langqiao light view.